Personal Statement Tips

When applying for the university, compiling a personal statement becomes a top priority. With it, students get to showcase their unique side besides their UCAS ID and birth name. With only 4,000 words, they are expected to convince the university that they are the ideal applicant.

With the following personal statement tips, students can use this piece to its full potential. Granting them the opportunity to leave a positive first impression. Here are the most practical writing tips that can come in handy for admissions.

How to Create a Personal Statement to Impress?

Before getting to the practical personal statement tips, it is important to point out the outline when writing this kind of piece. The selection committee will use it to determine whether a student is fit to come to an interview as a finalist.

This is the heart of the student’s application. One of the most useful uni personal statement tips is that the statement should share something about the applicant.

For instance, students can write about:

  • A relationship with an inspiring individual or a mentor.
  • Difficult personal experiences that challenged their ideas.
  • Unique obstacles and hardships that influence their educational pursuit.
  • Motivation for applying to that university.

Take a look at the practical example below to clear out any misunderstandings. Here are a few simple university personal statement tips to use.

Don’t just say: When I was still a child, my parents pressured me to get excellent grades, succeed at sports, choose good hobbies, etc. This is normal, of course. But, I always ended up choosing what my parents like instead of what I like. Now, I decided to make a change.

When you can say: The packed streets, ornate designs, and fragrant, earthy smell of rain had been so foreign at first. Now, in my fourth week of the summer exchange program in Lancashire, I feel more comfortable living in the city and can navigate with ease. It is hard to imagine that only a couple of years earlier, my parents were worried about letting me travel to an unfamiliar country.

15 Personal Statement Tips For Brilliant Writing Every Single Time

Compiling a proper personal statement takes a lot of time and effort. It may be a small assignment, but every sentence matters. Here are a few personal statement tips that can help.

1. Follow a Correct Introduction Structure

One of the most useful tips for writing a personal statement for college applications is to start with the introduction. It should be clear and creative. About 25% of the intro can cover extracurricular activities to prove what makes the student suitable.

Around 75% should cover the qualifications and academic achievement. Lastly is the personal statement conclusion. It should summarize the entire introduction.

2. Be Self Aware When Writing

Showing self-awareness when choosing a topic is very important. Avoid writing about sensitive stories that could make the reader feel uncomfortable—for example, a tragic or dramatic event. Instead, choose something that is uplifting and positive.

3. Personalize a Prominent Statement

One of the most impactful tips on writing a personal statement is to create a piece that tells a story over a typical five-paragraph essay. That’s how students can keep the attention.

4. Choose the Quotes Wisely

Many ask how to write a personal statement. Don’t use pretentious quoting. Only relatable content. Something that goes well with the rest of the statement. Also, it must come from a great work of literature.
For example, don’t use a sentence like “stay close to the people who feel like sunshine.” It is unprofessional and has nothing to do with the personal statement. Rather pick an option that comes from a famous author, entrepreneur, expert, and so on.

5. Don’t Mention Writers or Research Without Commenting on Them

Just because that writer might be famous, it doesn’t mean that their ideas are common knowledge. That’s why it is crucial to comment on every research or person the student will use in their statement. These are some of those tips on writing a personal statement for university students shouldn’t miss.

6. Focus on the Accomplishments and Strengths

It is good to brag a little. But, it is very important to avoid sounding too arrogant. Such as “I was best in the class.” Use a statement that surely but subtly conveys the accomplishments and strengths.

7. Skip the Over-Exaggeration

Any gimmicks that sound too good to be true are easy to spot. That’s why students must be realistic.

8. Ask for Feedback Before Submitting

Everyone can make mistakes. But, getting someone else to read the work can give the writer a new perspective. Or hire a personal statement writer for extra assistance.

9. Don’t Use Slang and Jokes

In a desperate need to stand out, students tend to use humour. But, this won’t win them any favours. Slang and jokes like “bloke,” “blimey,” “ace” are just not in the cards. Sounding sophisticated and professional is more important.

10. Avoid Controversial Analogies and Clichés

“My thirst for knowledge is what brought me here.” This is a typical example of a cliché. Unfortunately, it fails to impress. To avoid this, it is better to get creative and delve deeper into personal ideas and motivations.

11. Keep Revamping Before Submitting

Students should write, edit, and re-write the piece until they get it right. With enough effort and dedication, they can compile a ready piece.

12. Convey Words Through Actions

Another one of those tips for writing a personal statement is for students to know how to convey their unique qualities. Instead of just listing them, they can show them. Use the statement to prove that they have empathy, benevolence, and organization.

13. Broaden the Prospects

View real-life examples of successful statements to use as personal statement advice. They can give students a great idea of the structure, tone, language, and ideas.

14. Be Unique

Many want to copy someone else’s statement. But, universities use plagiarism software to detect that discrepancy on the spot.

15. Proofread the Work

Never leave out major short fallings. Particularly grammar mistakes, odd spacing, and missing words. The final piece should be impeccable.


Compiling a perfect statement can create the best opportunity. It can help students convince their university of choice why they should be there in the first place. Those who need a compelling piece can hire writers to do it for them. Our service – Personal Statement Writer has plenty of experts available 24/7. Order now and get the ultimate personal statement!

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