How to Write a Personal Statement That Will Help Your Future

The personal statement is a vitally important component of the application process, and it can make or break your chances of getting accepted. You may have written what seems like an excellent resume for this position, but if your personal statement isn’t good enough, then you might be rejected. If you apply for a job or your dream university, it’s important to know how to write a personal statement perfectly. That’s why we want to give you some tips on how to write it successfully.

What is a Personal Statement?

Your personal statement is your chance to make the admission committee feel like they know you. It’s your chance to show the admissions committee who you are and what makes you special. It should be a concise, well-written essay that will speak to the reader and get them interested in learning more about you. A general personal statement about clichés like “I’m a perfect candidate” should be crossed out.

Here’s an example of how a good personal statement looks like:

“Since studying Economics at GSCE level, I knew that the world of finance was going to be my goal. Thanks to the opportunity to help my dad work at his business, I was able to see how it looks like behind the curtains. I have seen first-hand both the struggles and victories of running your own business. That’s why I know it’s something I wish to pursue.”

How to Write a Personal Statement

The first thing you need to do when writing your personal statement is figuring out what you are trying to accomplish. Is it meant for an application for a UK university, scholarship, or maybe for a job? How much time are you giving yourself until the deadline? What things to put in a personal statement?

Once these questions have been answered, then begin with an introduction paragraph. Introduce yourself and share something interesting about who you are as a person. It should catch the reader’s attention and make them interested in your story. One of the best personal statement tips you can get is that it’s important to be honest when writing. Don’t make yourself look like a perfect candidate- be honest and real. Show your frustrations or struggles to make them see you know hard work.

One of the most common mistakes people make when they write a personal statement is making it too short or too long. It’s not your autobiography- but it’s also not a short note to a friend. Don’t try to hide any information or lie; a simple, on-point structure is what makes a good personal statement.

Remember that a good personal statement is consistent in tense. You can choose it freely, but once you do, stick to it!

Structure of a Personal Statement

To help you make figuring out the structure easier, here are a few questions you should ask yourself before you start writing your personal statement:

  1. Why do you want to apply for this particular Uni/scholarship?
  2. Why do you think you will do well in this course?
  3. What kind of hobbies/interests of yours match this specific course?
  4. Do you have any previous experiences/certificates that make you more fitting for this place?

When you know the answers to those questions, it should be easier for you to figure out the answer to your biggest question – “How do I write a personal statement?”. In creating the structure, try to focus on your strengths and abilities- mainly if you apply with UCAS personal statement for prestigious universities, like Cambridge or Oxford.

Length of a Personal Statement

In general, the length of your personal statement should be around one side of the A4 paper. This size is more than enough to cover everything when you write an application for the undergraduate program. Any personal statement writer will know how to deliver your statement in a consistent and easy-to-read manner.

If you apply for some more challenging postgraduate programs, it might be necessary to write a bit more than one page. It all depends on what do you put in a personal statement; if you have a lot of fitting experience, you might need more space to use.

Remember that it can’t be too long. Your admission officers have many other personal statements to read, so make sure they won’t get frustrated with your way-too-long submission.

Do’s and Don’ts of a Personal Statement

When it comes to what to write in a personal statement, there are few general rules to follow. Here are few hints on what to say in a personal statement:

  • Show that you know your strengths and abilities
  • Proofread your finished personal statement few times; ask others to do it too
  • Show your interest in the University and program you apply to
  • Keep it within the recommended length
  • Include your previous experiences and skills (if you have any)

Now, here’s a list of things you should avoid:

  • Confusing structure and unclear message
  • Talking about personal or irrelevant things
  • Exaggerate your skills or lie
  • Leaving writing your personal statement for last minute

If you keep in mind those tips when writing your personal statement, you should be good to go. If you’re unsure how to end a personal statement, you should simply sum up what you said before. Don’t say thank you or express your hope to be admitted; that might come across as ignorant.

Example of a Good Personal Statement

“I have always been driven to be involved in everything connected to the business. I’m an entrepreneur at heart, and as such, want my future profession to reflect that. This is why I spent a lot of time determining what course would best suit me, which will allow for the development of skills outside only business management or marketing and communication and social work too! When considering my skills, interests, and values – Business Management & Marketing made sense as a potential career path because it would allow me to use skill sets like entrepreneurship, communication, and marketing.

I’ve recently managed to gain valuable insight into business through various work experience placements, including Mitsubishi and running my own food catering business. I also had responsibility for customer care emails which were often sent from customers who wanted general information about our company or feedback based on personal encounters with our employees.

During my whole school experienced, I was keen to participate in various sport and musical extracurricular activities. It taught me how to be a team player, which I believe is an essential skill in my future career.”


As you can see, writing a personal statement requires quite a lot of work and preparation. It could be worth considering getting some additional help in doing so to make sure your personal statement is outstanding.

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