How to End a Personal Statement

The personal statement should be pristine from top to bottom. Figuring out how to end a personal statement is equally as important as starting it. It will provide a roundup of all the statements. Also, skills, accomplishments, and motivations enable the student to enter the university.

UCAS accepted 27.9% of 18-year olds who applied for university in England in 2018. Unfortunately, many more don’t get past the first phase. The statement is a key part of the UCAS application. It is the one and only chance to impress the college admission staff. Here is how to write a personal statement the right way.

Meaningful Tips on How to End a Personal Statement

A solid personal statement conclusion leaves no place for doubt among readers. Students who perfect it end up creating a remarkable piece. The finishing section can pull together all the valuable points in the piece and offer the student a noteworthy opportunity.
The conclusion is a single paragraph that reinforces whatever the students tried to persuade. For example:

  • Critical skills the student developed
  • Reasons for selecting the course
  • Background interest in a specific subject
  • Achievements
  • Career goals
  • Relevant hobbies or interests

The problem is, not everyone knows how to finish a personal statement properly. There are many mistakes and misconceptions when writing one. That’s why the tips here on how to end a personal statement can solve these issues.

1. Pay Attention to Details

Being specific is the key to success. Especially when drafting a personal statement conclusion. Countless candidates make the mistake of categorical listing. But, these are what experts call clichés.

For example, “I wish to improve my knowledge” or “I look forward to gaining exposure to various settings.”

The candidate might genuinely believe in these statements. But, they are not specific enough. To alter that, students should cover detailed skills they wish to acquire. Or certain settings that will benefit their potential career.

2. Revisit the Valuable Points

Every student should tie their closing paragraph personal statement to the rest of the content. The body of the conclusion should re-emphasize the important bits and pieces of the main section. Here, they can form a written argument that has structure and delivers a lasting impression.
The student can reiterate their achievements to give the statement a sense of closure. But with a very positive and inspiring connotation.

3. Look Ahead

Those who don’t know how to conclude a personal statement should focus on their goals. Indicating the ideas for the future proves that the writer has admirable qualities. That doesn’t mean they have to plan the next ten years of their life. Rather than to show what they would like to pursue.

There are two types of goals the committee wants to see:

  • Medium-term goals – such as applying for a cardiology fellowship after finishing residency.
  • Long-term goals – such as demonstrating a clear vision for further development in that career.

Discussing these goals provides a clear picture of what the committee can expect of a student like this. It conveys potential, desire for intentional growth, and success.

4. Take Notes On-the-Go

Inspiration can appear in the blink of an eye. That’s why it is a good idea to record it. Making notes, writing impactful phrases and ideas can be useful. People use note-taking even when ending a personal statement.

5. Provide a Stand-Alone Sentence

An expert personal statement writer knows when to stop talking. When a writer wraps it up, they usually offer a stand-alone sentence, capable of leaving a remarkable impression. But, there is a big difference between an expert and a novice writer.

For example, “To sum up, I think my drive and passion for nursing will make me an excellent candidate for this course.” This could be true, but it is not unique. It doesn’t create that extra dimension. Rather, it uses something with a bit more insight into specific skills and interests.

Someone who is experienced knows exactly how to end a personal statement for university without ruining the entire piece. The best way to achieve that is to provide a substantiated claim. Not longer than 150-200 words. This is about a third of the complete paper.

Things to Avoid When Doing a Conclusion for a Personal Statement

Many people make their personal statements in a single sitting. Since this is a huge chunk of work, it can take a while to tackle some of the issues. But, the conclusion often remains a pressing issue. Here are the most typical mistakes students make. To finish a personal statement ending, it is crucial to avoid them. Such as:

  • Waffling – Countless students like to drag their conclusion. To learn how to close a personal statement, they need to avoid listing rhetorical questions, unreliable quotes, or clichés. The finishing sentence should be on point, concise, and short.
  • Submitting without double-checking – It is good to be confident. But not at the cost of failing the personal statement. Students should ask other people to read their closing sentences. They should then check the content multiple times.
  • Listing personal values that don’t align with the university – universities are strict with applicants. They don’t settle for the status quo. Rather, they choose those who stand out. That’s why the student should show they understand the values of that university. This is one of the most overlooked tips for a personal statement.
  • Feeling overwhelmed – It is not uncommon for students to feel stressed or overwhelmed. But, letting that emotional instability get in the way of concluding a personal statement can set them for failure. Taking it slow is more valuable than rushing through it.

Great Points of Personal Statement Conclusion Examples

Sometimes, people need an idea of how to do it right. That’s where personal statement conclusion examples can help. Here are a few that could prove useful.

✔ Accounting example: “My current primary ambition is to build up my accountancy skills and develop those I have yet to perfect. I believe that studying at your university can assist me in achieving these goals and provide me with a competitive advantage. I can assure you that I am a committed student and can contribute greatly to your university.”

This particular conclusion for the personal statement conveys dedication, ambition, and commitment. It is concise yet interesting. It doesn’t stray off topic and still delivers the message.

✔ Civil engineering example: “I possess a powerful aspiration to change our surroundings and improve everyday life. I am eager to be involved in projects through every stage. From design, sustainability to implementation. I firmly believe that my skills, dedication, and qualification to this subject make me a suitable candidate for your course.”

This concluding statement is equally concise. It is ambitious and sticks to what the committee expects in an aspiring civil engineer.


Students can choose to set the tone with the concluding sentence. Even though this is not the first thing the committee sees, it is just as important. Those who don’t know how to finish their personal statement on a good note can get a professional writer to do it for them. Here everyone gets access to quality work, regardless of how complex it may be. Order now and get the personal statement you need!

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